
What is Web 20 A Beginners Guide for the Home Based Internet Business

Home based internet business owners are often on a budget to run their business, and thus, marketing can often take a backseat. This is the road to failure. Please know that effective marketing of car led lights your home based internet business is the key to your success. Don't minimize this. Even internet virgins can learn how to market their business quickly and cheaply online.So, if it’s a shoe string budget you are after, then you will need to understand Web 2.0, otherwise known as social marketing. This article will breakdown precisely what Web 2.0 is for the new person and/or those looking to find the best home based internet business, and list three very good reasons why social marketing is so important. Web 2.0 is simply a form of marketing using one or many of the social media outlets. Those outlets can be sub-dividedinto 6 different types. 1. Social Networking – the most popular of these outlets include Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, DirectMatches, and Ryze; 2. Social Bookmarking – well known ones include Digg, Technorati, Del.icio.us, Reddit, and StumbleUpon. Originally, social bookmarks were places you could store your favorite bookmarks online, so that you could access your bookmarks from anywhere, not just your own computer. Social bookmarking has evolved as people began to share their bookmarks with others. 3. Content Sharing – best known sites for content sharing are Wikipedia, Squidoo, Hubpages, Gather and E-zine Articles. Content sharing sites are great for people who don’t have any web skills but want to share content on the internet. 4. Media Sharing – most well known are YouTube, Flickr, SlideShare, JamGlue; 5. Blogging – go to my recent post on Blogging to learn more, Blogging 101 6. Adapters – Amazon, Google Products, Cafe Press – these are traditional websites that “adapted” their products to the social marketing scene.Why Focus on Web 2.0?The answer is simple. Free Traffic. What’s so powerful is the multi-dimensional nature of the free website traffic. 1. Social media sites and content get excellent search engine placement; 2. The inbound links to your website or blog from every piece of social media post and content, substantially improving your website rankings; 3. The quantity of people using social media outlets is huge, so the potential traffic is enormous. Just to validate this point, as of today, Alexa, the website service that ranks traffic on websites, ranks Facebook as the number 2 most visited website, just behind Google. In addition, YouTube is number 4. Thus, of the top 4 most visited websites, social media websites have 2 positions.When home based internet business owners embrace Web 2.0, they will see their profits soar. The large variety of options may be overwhelming so, my advice is to pick one or two social media outlets and focus on them until you have mastered them. This effort alone will put you on the path to success. Only then, should you look to add other social media outlets to your marketing pie. Start with the ones that come most naturally to you. It will be fun and your business will thrive.If you are searching for a home based internet business opportunity, I highly recommend network marketing. I like it because there are very few barriers to entry, little up front investment required, yet the potential for success is unlimited. This is an industry that is going to be more and more prominent in the future and the internet is changing the way distributors market their business. No more chasing friends and family. The Nail Pen internet gives network marketing distributors a fantastic way to leverage their time and efforts and sell their product and business opportunity to highly targeted website visitors. If you are a distributor for an MLM and want to test drive a “turn-key” internet marketing system for your business, a system that the top producers are using, then you must check out, top-earn-secrets.com.

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